automated payments

  • sportbm can make payments happen automatically, leave all the monthly fees and payments to the sportbm system, it will additionally check for changes in teams and will adjust the payments automatically
  • payments will be updated online by the system and will show as having been paid, the system will take into account in advance details of any payments for future periods
  • when setting up a payment choose the start date, the due date and the frequency of the next payment and the system will automatically generate any subsequent payments, keeping you informed of any upcoming deadlines automatically
  • incoming payments can be received into a number of different accounts, you can decide into which account the payment is made
  • decide about permanent or one-off discounts for players, discounts can be amended or changed, additionally, you can cancel payments, give refunds
  • the filter option allows you to see in which areas money is still owed. Decide who should be sent reminders about arrears, one click will send to all players or all selected players/parents
  • sportbm allows you to import bank statements, these can be uploaded as a file, you can highlight particular payments